Collection Name

Wildlife triangle (en)

Riistakolmiot (fi)

Viltriangelinventering (sv)

Type of the collection

Monitoring scheme observations

Collection description

Wildlife triangle data, winter census Species-specific annual snow-track counts and average snow-track abundance indices in 50 × 50 km grid cells. The snow-track abundance index for a wildlife triangle (a ~12 km line transect) is calculated as N / (km_counted × snow_days). Here N is the number of snow-tracks crossing the transect line. The denominator stands for counting effort, consisting of the kilometers counted (km_counted) multiplied with the number of days during which tracks have accumulated (snow_days). The snow days are counted from last snowfall, or from the timing of a pre-mapping of snow-tracks, which prevents from recounting the tracks during the actual survey. The presented index for a given species, year and grid cell is calculated as the arithmetic mean index over all triangles, whose point of gravity are within the focal grid cell. In addition to the species-specific average abundance indices, also the number of snow tracks recorded, and the number of triangles counted are reported. The grid is constructed according to the ETRS-TM35FIN -coordinate system and the grid cell locations are given using the lower left corner coordinates (“lon” and “lat”). (en)

Riistakolmioaineisto, talvilaskennat Laji- ja vuosittaiset lumijälkien lukumäärät, sekä keskimääräiset lumijälkiin perustuvat runsausindeksit 50 × 50 km ruudukossa. Lumijälki-indeksi riistakolmiolle (eli noin 12 km pituiselle laskentalinjalle) lasketaan seuraavasti: N / (km_laskettu × lumipäiviä). Tässä N on laskentalinjan ylittävien lumijälkien lukumäärä. Nimittäjässä suluissa on laskentapanostus, joka saadaan lasketun kilometrimäärän (km_laskettu) ja jälkien kertymäpäivien (lumipäiviä) tulona. Lumipäivät lasketaan edellisestä lumisateesta tai ns. esikierrosta, jolloin laskija on kartoittanut vanhat lumijäljet, jotta ei laskisi niitä uudestaan varsinaisessa laskennassa. Tässä esitetty laji-, vuosi- ja ruutukohtainen indeksi on aritmeettinen keskiarvo lumijälki-indekseistä niistä riistakolmioista, joiden painopiste osuu kyseiseen ruutuun. Lajikohtaisten indeksien lisäksi, myös jälkien yhteenlaskettu lukumäärä sekä riistakolmioiden lukumäärä on raportoitu. Ruudukko on muodostettu ETRS-TM35FIN -koordinaattijärjestelmän mukaan ja ruutujen sijainnit on ilmaistu vasemman alakulman koordinaatteina (”lon” ja ”lat”). (fi)

Web address (fi) (sv)

Taxonomic coverage

Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans); Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus); Raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); American mink (Neovison vison); European polecat (Mustela putorius); White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus);

Temporal coverage


Geographic coverage


Coverage basis

Threatened and invasive mammal species in the winter track counts, excluding the large carnivores

Collection methods

Line-transect census of snow tracks. The transect is ca 12 km long, shaped as an equilateral triangle and located in boreal forest landscape. The survey is done during one day by volunteers, mainly local hunters, skiing or walking along the transect. The survey period starts the 15th January and ends on the 28th February in the southern and central parts of Finland. In the northern parts of Finland (Oulu region and Lapland) the period continues until 15th March.

Collection quality

Professional / professionally curated


Creative Commons Attribution

Contact email

Data quarantine length (yr.)


Percentage digitized (approx.)


Number of specimens

Number of type specimens

Number of all observations

Status of this metadata

satisfactory – could be improved

Date created

13.01.2017 10:02

Date edited

24.07.2023 07:53

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