Collection Name

Winter Bird Census (en)

Talvilintulaskenta (fi)

Vinterfågeltaxeringar (sv)

Type of the collection

Monitoring scheme observations

Collection description

Censuses cover all observed bird species. Annual counts have been done in the winter time since 1957. Methodology is explained in link: (en)

Laskennat toteutetaan vuosittain talvisin ja ne kattavat kaikki lintulajit. Laskenta-aineisto alkaa talvesta 1956/57 ja vuodesta 1976 lähtien laskennat on toteutettu kolme kertaa talvessa (marraskuu, vuodenvaihde, helmi-maaliskuu). Laskentojen menetelmät ja lisätietoja löytyy osoitteesta: (fi)

Vinterfågeltaxeringarna utreder vinterfågelbeståndets utbredning och riklighet i olika levnadsmiljöer och i olika delar av landet. (sv)

Web address (en) (fi) (sv)

Taxonomic coverage

Aves, Mammalia

Temporal coverage


Geographic coverage


Coverage basis

Finland, Winter season, November - March, since winter 1956/57. Birds, but from c. 2005 also mammals.

Collection methods

In English: In Finnish:

Collection quality

Expert hobbyists / expert curated

Data quality description

From year 2019, 390 documents are incorrectly missing MY.taxonCensus: aves -key/value, which tell that all observed birds have been recorded during the census. (en)


Creative Commons Attribution

Contact email

Recommended citation

Fraixedas Nuñez, S., Lehikoinen, A., Lindén, A. 2015: Impact of climate and land change on wintering bird populations in Finland. — Journal of Avian Biology 46: 63–72.

Collection size (approx.)


Percentage digitized (approx.)


Number of type specimen (c.)


Number of specimens

Number of type specimens

Number of all observations

Metadata creator

Lehikoinen, Aleksi

Status of this metadata

satisfactory – could be improved

Date created

23.10.2012 10:14

Date edited

23.03.2022 12:20

Sensitive observation data have undergone obfuscation including spatial aggregation so that precise locations and other sensitive information is not publicly available. The precise location, place names, dates, names of observers and other information may have been obscured or removed. Read more about sensitive observations.

Data may have a research embargo (usually 2–4 years), during which data may have been hidden or obscured as described above. Data producer-owners may have chosen to permanently obfuscate all or part of their data.

To gain access to non-obscured data, you may make a data request. Non-obscured data is also available to Finnish authorities