Collection Name

Ringing and recovery database of birds (TIPU) (en)

Rengastus- ja löytörekisteri (TIPU) (fi)

Ringmärkning och återställningsdatabas av fåglar (TIPU) (sv)

Abbreviation of the collection


Type of the collection

Monitoring scheme observations

Collection description

Dataset contains observations of birds ringed in Finland and reported encounters of the birds, both from Finland and abroad. Ring numbers have been hidden. (en)

Aineisto sisältää Suomessa rengastetut linnut ja rengastetuista linnuista tehdyt löytö- ja kontrolli-ilmoitukset Suomesta ja ulkomailta. Renkaiden numerot on piilotettu aineistosta. (fi)

Taxonomic coverage


Temporal coverage


Geographic coverage

Ringing data: Finland; encounter data: Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Collection quality

Professional / professionally curated

Data quality description

Bird ringing requires a permit, which includes training and examination of bird identification skills. All ring recoveries are validated by experts. (en)

Lintujen rengastus on luvanvaraista ja lupa vaatii koulutusta ja lajinmäärityskokeen läpäisemistä. Ammattilaiset tarkistavat kaikki löytöilmoitukset. (fi)


Creative Commons Attribution

Contact email

Data quarantine length (yr.)


Basis for concealment or quarantine

In accordance with its digital data policy (2015), Luomus reserves the right of first use for materials stored in the information systems it manages that are used for active research by limiting their openness during the protection period. In continuous monitoring the protection period extends four years back from the time of review, so that the part of the material that is four years newer is covered by the protection period. (en)

Luomus varaa digitaalisten aineistojen aineistopolitiikkansa (2015) mukaisesti ensikäytön oikeuden aktiivisen tutkimuksen käytössä oleville, hallinnoimiinsa tietojärjestelmiin tallennetuille aineistoille rajoittamalla niiden avoimuutta suoja-ajalla. Luomuksen jatkuvissa seurannoissa suoja-aika ulottuu aina tarkasteluhetkestä neljä vuotta taaksepäin siten, että neljää vuotta tuoreempi aineiston osa on suoja-ajan piirissä. (fi)

Collection size (approx.)


Percentage digitized (approx.)


Number of type specimen (c.)


Number of specimens

Number of type specimens

Number of all observations

Status of this metadata

satisfactory – could be improved

Date created

11.05.2012 17:14

Date edited

15.08.2023 12:41

Sensitive observation data have undergone obfuscation including spatial aggregation so that precise locations and other sensitive information is not publicly available. The precise location, place names, dates, names of observers and other information may have been obscured or removed. Read more about sensitive observations.

Data may have a research embargo (usually 2–4 years), during which data may have been hidden or obscured as described above. Data producer-owners may have chosen to permanently obfuscate all or part of their data.

To gain access to non-obscured data, you may make a data request. Non-obscured data is also available to Finnish authorities