Collection Name

Waterbird counts (en)

Vesilintulaskennat (fi)

Sjöfågeltaxering (sv)

Type of the collection

Monitoring scheme observations

Collection description

Counts of breeding waterfowl. Organized by Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus and Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute. Note that the dataset is divided into several subcollections, depending on who manages it and when it was collected. (en)

Vesilintujen pesimäaikaiset laskennat. Organisoijina Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo ja Luonnonvarakeskus. Huomaa että aineisto on jaettu usaan ala-aineistoon sen mukaan kuka sitä hallinnoi ja milloin se on kerätty. (fi)

Sjöfågeltaxering (sv)

Web address (fi) (sv)

Taxonomic coverage


Temporal coverage


Geographic coverage


Coverage basis

Breeding season, Finland

Collection methods

Point counts and round counts of waterfowl

Collection quality

Professional / professionally curated


All rights reserved

Copyright owner

Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus, Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke

Contact email

Recommended citation

Pöysä, H., Rintala, J., Lehikoinen, A., Väisänen, R. A. (2012). The importance of hunting pressure, habitat preference and life history for population trends of breeding waterbirds in Finland. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. DOI 10.1007/s10344-012-0673-8.

Data quarantine length (yr.)


Special terms for data use

Data is divided between multiple sub-datasets with different data policies. (en)

Aineisto jakautuu useaan ala-aineistoon, joilla on erilaiset aineistopolitiikat. (fi)

Percentage digitized (approx.)


Number of specimens

Number of type specimens

Number of all observations

Metadata creator

Lehikoinen, Aleksi

Status of this metadata

satisfactory – could be improved

Date created

23.10.2012 10:09

Date edited

04.03.2024 08:21

Sensitive observation data have undergone obfuscation including spatial aggregation so that precise locations and other sensitive information is not publicly available. The precise location, place names, dates, names of observers and other information may have been obscured or removed. Read more about sensitive observations.

Data may have a research embargo (usually 2–4 years), during which data may have been hidden or obscured as described above. Data producer-owners may have chosen to permanently obfuscate all or part of their data.

To gain access to non-obscured data, you may make a data request. Non-obscured data is also available to Finnish authorities