Spinycheek crayfish Faxonius limosus


Spiny-cheek crayfish is an aggressive and invasive species that reproduces efficiently. A female can reproduce twice a year, laying up to 400 eggs at a time. The species is able to succeed even in eutrophic, silty and contaminated environments, particularly in slow-flowing rivers and their estuaries. It burrows efficiently and tolerates dry environments and salt water fairly well. Spiny-cheek crayfish may grow up to 12 in length, but are usually less than 10 cm long. Their life-span rarely exceeds 4 years.

European names:spiny-cheek crayfish, American crayfish, striped crayfish, kamberkrebs, amerikanischer krebs, écrevisse américaine, amerikaanse rivierkreeft, rak pruhovaný, cifrarák, rak pregovaty, rak amerykanski, polosatyi rak, rainuotasis vézys

American names:spiny-cheek crayfish, Delcore crayfish

Source: FinBIF species descriptions
Description text authors:

Esa Erkamo (Luke) – published 16.3.2016.

CC BY 4.0

The map represents observations of this taxon, but it may not be used as a distribution map.

  • Total squares
FinBIF master checklist
Scientific name
Faxonius limosus
(Rafinesque, 1817)
Vernacular names
  • amerikankääpiörapu (Finnish)
  • taggkindskräfta (Swedish)
  • Spinycheek crayfish (English)
Taxon rank
This species is invasive
EstablishmentDoes not occur in Finland
Regulatory Status
  • Invasive alien species of Union concern (EU 2016/1141; 2017/1263; 2019/1262; 2022/1203) ?
  • Finland’s National Strategy on Invasive Alien Species (GR 2012) ?
  • Risto Väinölä
Informal groups
  • Crustaceans
  • Macrocrustaceans
  • Crabs, shrimps and crayfishes